Dataset Title: GEO Satellite Channel

Dataset Description: Channel complex coefficients


The beam pattern was kindly provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA has given permission to SnT to share this dataset.


This dataset has been used in this work (please cite this reference in your work if you make use of this dataset):
  • F. Ortiz, E. Lagunas, S. Chatzinotas, “Unsupervised Learning for User Scheduling in Multibeam Precoded GEO Satellite Systems”, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCnC), Grenoble, France, June 2022.


Channel per beam and users positions
The beam pattern was previously obtained with an ESA SW, and corresponds to an Array Fed Defocused Reflector. The pattern is obtained using an Array Fed Reflector (AFR) in imaging configuration with a reflector size of 2.2 m and an array diameter of approximately 1.2 m. The antenna array before the reflector is a circular array with a spacing of 2λ and 511 elements. The pattern has been generated assuming a slight narrowing of the radial width of the array elements (to reduce the sidelobes).
To obtain the channel the following characteristics are assumed:
The orbital position is of a GEO satellite at 13 degrees East.
The satellite altitude is 35786*1e3 m.
The satellite provides service to 108 beams
There are 70 users per beam



The user channel matrix is stored in the variable “Channel_perbeam” and has a dimension of 70x108x108 (number of users per beam x number of beams x number of beams).

The users position is stored in the matrix called “LatLon_AllUsers” and has a dimension of 70x2x108 (number of users per beam x latitude-longitude x number of beams).

The center beam location is stored in the variable “LatLon_Center” and has dimensions 108 x 2 (number of beams x [lat,lon] )


beam pattern of 108 beams
beam pattern of 108 beams (numbering)